Nombre: Tilson
Teléfono: 614-289-8002
Mensaje: Hey

Tried giving you a call earlier.
I wanted to chat about how we might be able to help simplify your business financing.

We’ve teamed up with Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank to offer a funding solution that could really make a difference for your business —designed to help cut through all the usual red tape.

If you’ve got 5 minutes, I’’ve got a quick video on how it works.

Do you have time today or tommorrow to check it out?

It’s at

Let me know if this is something that might be useful for you.

Joel Tilson,
Founder & President, JTMorgan Lending and Consulting

P.S. Apologies if there’s a typo or two—just wanted to get this out to you quickly!

If you have any questions, send me a text at 614-289-8002 or shoot me an email at

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